
How to get to get the best eye care in Henderson, NV in less than 5-minutes.

At Henderson Eye Care we believe that your eyesight is your most prized sense and we are here to make your vision as clear as as humanly possible. Regardless of the problem you may have with the clarity of your vision, our eye doctors are here in Henderson, Nevada to solve your issue with professionalism, expertise, and kindness. We understand that from the moment you enter our doors, you are frightened. Henderson Eye Care will treat you like family and soothe away any apprehension you may feel. From Orthokeratology, Keratoconus, Lasik surgery to everything else, we will be there for you every step of the way!

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What is Orthokeratology?

Whether you are near-sighted (myopic), far-sighted (hyperopic), or have an astigmatism Orthokeratology (or Ortho-K) can actually fix your vision. Seem too good to be true? It’s not only possible but painless and simple. We can implant a contact lens to actually correct the specific problem with your vision. It actually temporarily alters the shape of your cornea while you sleep so that after time, you can throw away your glasses or contact lenses. We invite you to schedule a free consultation appointment so we can explain Overnight Vision Correction for you in depth.


Lasik Surgery can change your life immediately

Have you spent years with annoying glasses or are you just tired of sticking your finger in your eye every day with contact lenses? Lasik surgery could be the permanent solution for you. It’s painless and over ninety-five percent of our patients see clearly the day after their surgery. Our laser surgery professionals put your mind at ease while they quickly and efficiently correct your eyesight. We are with you not only for the laser surgery but for your post-operative exams.


What is Keratoconus?

Do you suffer from ghost vision, halos, or starbursts?  You may have Keratoconus.  It is highly prevalent in children, so we specialize in helping kids begin their lives with excellent vision.  For adults with Keratoconus we understand this can be extremely frightening, especially when you’re driving or you may have been forced to give up the independence of driving yourself because of your vision problem.  Henderson Eye Care is fully equipped to treat this disorder in a painless and effective manner.


Diabetic Retinopathy can be treated!

We all know that if you have diabetes you can be stricken with this offshoot of the disease but it can now be repaired with a painless and quick laser surgery. It takes only minutes and restores your vision.


Contact Lenses for Adults

t Henderson Eye Care we provide caring service, whether you are new to contact lenses or just need a fresh prescription. Our optometrists are knowledgeable when it comes to both fit and comfort. It doesn’t do any good if we fit you with the proper prescription but the lenses irritate your eyes. Our goal is to create a long-term bond with our patients, so discomfort is not acceptable to our trained staff. We want your vision to be clear and your eyes to feel calm.


Tried contacts but they were uncomfortable?

We specialize in solving these issues. Maybe you have another problem such as Keratoconus and don’t realize it. Our learned professionals can determine why you’ve had difficulties with the fit of contact lenses. Let us open your eyes to optimal vision and ease of wear.


Is your work giving you a headache?

Computer Vision Syndrome is becoming more and more commonplace. The good news is Henderson Eye Care can eradicate the pain. While we can’t help you enjoy your job, we can help your eyes from betraying the headache that working at a computer all day can cause.


Are the kids ready for their first eye exam?

This has got to be a frightening thought for parents. Let Henderson Eye Care eliminate the stress while we make a child’s first eye exam a pleasant and fun experience. We have special staff members who are experts at dealing with kids. They’ll l leave the exam with smiles on their faces and either glasses or contact lenses that they will actually enjoy.


Have you heard that you might need a corneal transplant but you're afraid of the surgery?

Who wouldn’t be? We’re here for you. Our surgeons are not only skilled but are highly successful with their results and calming in their manner. We can dramatically reduce your pain or mend an injured cornea in a painless operation. At Henderson Eye Care we are most concerned about your ocular health and emotional well-being. You can always trust us to take optimal care of your eyes.


We're here for all your ocular needs.

Whether you need your first pair of readers, bi- or tri- focal contacts, or you need surgery to permanently correct a visual problem, Henderson Eye Care is always here for you. When you consider eye care, remember that we not only care for your eyes, we care about you.


Love sports and wish you could see underwater?

We create scuba diving masks and swim goggles to fit your prescription perfectly so you will even have excellent vision when you most want to enjoy the view. You’re on vacation and there are spectacular, colorful fish circling around you. The only problem is, you’ve never been able to really see them clearly under water. Plan your next exotic trip after you’ve made your appointment with Henderson Eye Care.


Sports eyewear for kids.

Has your child been heckled because they look funny wearing protective eyewear? Not anymore! We have designed hip and attractive goggles to safeguard children’s eyes without ridicule and give them perfect vision so they can really excel at sports.


Comprehensive eye exams.

With Henderson Eye Care we don’t skimp on our exams. Most optometrists do a basic 3-part test to determine the overall health of your eyes and your vision. When you schedule a regular eye exam with us, we do a ten-part extensive examination. We are here to be sure your eyes are healthy, lenses or glasses are perfectly fit, and we have specialists to correct any potential problems we may find. When you walk through our doors, you enter a world of true professionals who care about you.


When is your child old enough for an eye exam?

Would you believe the American Optometric Association recommends the first eye exam should be done when you baby is six months old! We can see potential issues and thwart them before they become serious. Of course we know a six-month-old child can’t read but we have testing for babies that deals with color and visual perception. It’s never too early to safeguard your child’s eyesight.


Spectacular selection of eyewear for men and women.

If glasses are your choice, Henderson Eye Care has the choices you need. We automatically assure that whichever glasses you choose, they will fit perfectly because if your glasses aren’t comfortable, you won’t wear them no matter how attractive they are. We help you decide on the glasses that will best suit the shape of your face but you know your style of dress. Remember, glasses – while correcting your vision – are also a fashion statement!

Call Henderson Eye Care NOW!

Give us a call for your free consultation on the way to perfect vision. With our team you can feel completely safe and secure with all your visual needs. We understand there are many places you could choose to buy glasses or contact lenses for yourself and your family but we also know that once you meet our staff, you'll never step foot in another optometrist's office again. Henderson Eye Care wants to be sure the windows to your soul are 20/20.